Mum & Dad’s Landmark Lockdown Testimony

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone! We thought you’d like to listen to the recent testimony of our parents, Ant & Pam Franks, who have walked with the Lord faithfully for more than 50 years. Lockdown has been a golden opportunity for us all to reassess what we are committed to, how we understand “church” and whetherContinue reading “Mum & Dad’s Landmark Lockdown Testimony”

The Humanity of Prayer

We were flicking through movie rental options on TV the other night when we stumbled across Kevin Reynolds’ 2016 film Risen – a film about the resurrection of Christ as seen through the eyes of a Roman Military Tribune, Clavius ((Joseph Fiennes). Inititially I thought the film was going to be lame but was surprised byContinue reading “The Humanity of Prayer”

A Normal Oblivion

Bed-side Imagine being woken up tomorrow morning by voices in your head, or voices that you thought were in your head. Imagine groggily coming round, sick in your stomach, disoriented by fear because of the sonic traffic that the voices in your head were creating: unfamiliar tones, unrecognisable expressions – a mystifying medley of unearthlyContinue reading “A Normal Oblivion”