One of the Strongest Demonic Strongholds in the Church

I keep short accounts with the Lord and I have no doubt that what I’m saying in this video is absolutely true and faithful to the eternal Word of God.

The proliferation of female pastors/elders/head honchos in the home is the iniquity of spiritual rebellion and whoredom.

Ergo, inverted spiritual “leadership” is one of the main reasons that the Church are currently limping as we are are and floundering in spiritual impotence.

Finding Faithful Elders & Deacons

In 2010 Thabiti Anyabwile wrote a short book with the same title as this blog. I spent all day today producing a video about this all-important issue in 2022. We’re dealing with timeless truths in a fibrillating Church. God knows we need faithful elders and deacons. Are you with the faithful?

Mum & Dad’s Landmark Lockdown Testimony

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone! We thought you’d like to listen to the recent testimony of our parents, Ant & Pam Franks, who have walked with the Lord faithfully for more than 50 years. Lockdown has been a golden opportunity for us all to reassess what we are committed to, how we understand “church” and whetherContinue reading “Mum & Dad’s Landmark Lockdown Testimony”