The Baptist Elder Who Resigned (Female “Elders”)

Your testimony is someone else’s sanity which is why it is good to see men of God making difficult decisions to step away from compromise…

Thanks to Tim of the Owl and Badger podcast who recently joined me in conversation to discuss the English Baptist church within which he was previously an elder and his resignation over their extra-biblical teaching.

If you’d prefer you can listen to this podcast here.


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“Islamic extremists blow-up our teenagers, our elected governments teach our children about the benefits of pornography and prominent church leaders say nothing biblical about abortion and transgenderism.”

Beginning with Saul’s dramatic transformation from Christian-hater to radical disciple, The Glorious Few leads the reader on a journey through the de-radicalised Church to discover what radical discipleship really means.

Nick Franks reflects on the counterfeit process by which Islamic terrorists are radicalised and what this spiritual forgery teaches us about the Holy Spirit and His preparation of the Church for the return of Christ.

Using scriptural study, extensive research and personal testimony, The Glorious Few is ultimately a heart-felt cry for national repentance and the Bride of Christ to be straightened out in preparation for the return of Jesus.

If you would like to support our work and to be part of our small supporter base who receive regular newsletters please contact us here: AND support our radical publishing work:

Our flagship content: 🚢 🔥

2023: The Glorious Few:
2022: Repent Now; He Loves You:
2021: Calling YESHUA:
2020: The Draft – A Conscription of Conscience:
2019: Body Zero – Radical Preparation for the Return of Christ:
2018: The Bothy Sessions – Mental Health & the Church:
2016: Jesus Come:

Come, Lord Jesus!


Nick & Mairi

Published by firebrandnotes

"Radically preparing for the Return of Christ." If you long for the return of Christ and are distressed by the chaos of the Church, please read my books, Body Zero (2019) and The Glorious Few (2023).

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