Mum & Dad’s Landmark Lockdown Testimony

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!

We thought you’d like to listen to the recent testimony of our parents, Ant & Pam Franks, who have walked with the Lord faithfully for more than 50 years.

Lockdown has been a golden opportunity for us all to reassess what we are committed to, how we understand “church” and whether or not we are really living with Jesus’ return in mind.

Mum & Dad talk very openly, honestly and authentically about their “struggle” with the problematic prospect of returning to a system and understanding of church that is fundamentally void of any power to change society, but, rather, an all too familiar pattern of conformity to the ways of the world.

In short, there must be more than this; indeed there is.

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Published by firebrandnotes

"Radically preparing for the Return of Christ." If you long for the return of Christ and are distressed by the chaos of the Church, please read my books, Body Zero (2019) and The Glorious Few (2023).

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