Is NATIONAL REVIVAL Coming to Great Britain? ⛪️🇬🇧

Are British church leaders who “prophesy” today about football stadiums being full of worshiping Christians in the near future – without so much as calling the Church to their knees in repentance – prophesying biblically?

The Great Evangelical Disaster

Schaeffer was born twelve years after the death of J. C Ryle who had no choice but to defrock his first-born son from a position of leadership in the Church of England, such was the tentacle reach of liberal theology even into his own family. There is no way that Ryle would remain within the Church of England today. He was too strong for that, too desirous of God. Spirit is always thicker than blood.

Should Women Lead Churches?

Hello!  Thank you for joining us again on Into the Pray.  I’ll be picking Hamlet back up again next week. Suffice to say for our 33rd episode in 1 Corinthians, we now broach one of the most important theological errors of our day:- “progressive” “christian” liberalism. What of head coverings? Are egalitarians correct when they maintainContinue reading “Should Women Lead Churches?”

Calling YESHUA (update)

Full details about our forthcoming project, Calling Yeshua, here. We started working on our latest film/music content six weeks ago with the studio recording of the music component down in Yorkshire, England. Since then, we have experienced significant struggle in completing the project not least from practical interferences from COVID and unseasonal gale-force winds inContinue reading “Calling YESHUA (update)”

What We Say About Jesus

We are living at an hour in church history where, once again, what the Church says about Jesus is being increasingly scrutinised. To put it another way, we are living at a pivotal moment of importance in which God is forcing the Bride to face squarely in the eye what it is that we sayContinue reading “What We Say About Jesus”

We Must Resist Spirituality

How easily has it been that counterfeit love has paraded through our corporate lives? The humdrum of human sentimentality tarted up to appear loving, but betrayed by the shallowness of its inane protestations? The banality of religious chit-chat, the mesmerising allure of false spirituality – who wants these things, really?