Dream/Interpretation: The Door

Last night the Holy Spirit spoke to me in a dream. I’m sharing the dream publicly because it relates directly to the video below and the lives of tens of thousands of people. I have sought to simply convey the specifics of what I saw and understood in the dream rather than trying in any way to embellish or dramatise its content, nor to dismiss details that to my mind may have seemed incidental. Please can I discourage speculation but rather plead for wholehearted turning from those involved and, for us all, the heeding of the principle of “clearing” being more urgent now than ever before, (1 Peter 4:17).

Don’t Waste Your Life

Greetings All, I’ve been writing full-time since the Spring and now adding final touches to my draft manuscript. This second book follows Body Zero (2019) since which a lot has occurred — holy, disruptive happenings in the world, in the Church and in our hearts. Subscribe to the blog and YouTube channel to keep abreastContinue reading “Don’t Waste Your Life”

A rebuke of British church leaders

I rebuke every church leader who has piped up about this but said nothing about our “utter treachery” before the LORD, (Jeremiah 5:11), saying nothing about abortion, marriage redefined and other socio-cultural abhorrences.

Jeremiah: Babylon Takeover

Please read Jeremiah chapter 5, 6 & 7. An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule at their direction; my people love to have it so. But what will you do when the end comes? Podcast version here. Related podcast: https://podcast.firebrandnotes.com/900157/11294607-the-queen-s-passing-testing-national-prophecy Order very sharp gospelContinue reading “Jeremiah: Babylon Takeover”

The Struggle to Stand

Within the last twelve months, I have personally experienced physical difficulties in my body like I never have before. This is despite being otherwise fit very active and healthy. On both occasions the physical problems have resulted in my not being able to stand. Indeed, I have been incapable of standing.