The Alpha Course — Nicky Gumbel’s Anti-Reformation Legacy

PodVlog Episode #3, discussing Nicky Gumbel’s #AlphaCourse, is from the world-famous Dunnottar Castle followed by a detour in from the wind to a coffee shop, (we resisted the delicious cakes on offer).

The conversation today follows on from Nick’s more in-depth podcast a few days ago in which the sobering reality of Billy Graham and John Stott’s Lausanne “covenant” was exposed for what it is.

You can listen to it here:

One of the chapters of Dr. ES Williams’ book featured in that conversation covers Nicky Gumbel’s ecumenical Alpha Course. 😭

People are dying & going to hell…

Over the course of the last few years, I’ve found myself repenting from my chronic unwillingness to share the gospel of Jesus Christ on a daily basis.​ Much of the scaffolding of life has surrounded my de-conditioned heart so as to insulate it from feeling the sting of my fundamental disobedience and fear of man.

But, really, what is more important than making disciples? ​Of holding out a lifebuoy for the drowning, a breath of air for the submerged, a extinguishment for the burning, a calming shalom for the utterly bereft?

Bus Stop Evangelism

Do you commute to work via train or bus? What a great opportunity to leave a constant trail of seed wherever we go for the sake of the lost. If you need any resources that you can trust to both pack a punch as well as ​lovingly embrace, please stop us a line.

Edinburgh Fringe Festival 🔊 Repent Now; He Loves You ❤️

Dear Edinburgh Disciples, You know the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, that it’s the largest Arts Festival in the world? Well, that simply means that it is one of the world’s largest white fields for workers to work in 🔊 The problem is that the workers are few. But Jesus told us what to do about thatContinue reading “Edinburgh Fringe Festival 🔊 Repent Now; He Loves You ❤️”

Edinburgh Fringe Festival 🔊: Repent Now; He Loves You❤️

Edinburgh Disciples, you know the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, that it’s the world’s largest Arts Festival? Ergo, it is one of the largest white fields in the world 🔊

The Context of the Power

Yesterday, my friend and I stood outside a false church in Edinburgh in bold defiance of the anti-Christ “gospel” that they proclaim.

While a celebration of “pride” unfolded inside, as women with pushchairs and beards, self-harming scars and gender dysphoria arrived through the doors, as homosexual “Christians” dismissed the gospel of repentance with confidence, sickened by the thought of Jesus while boldly claiming knowledge of God, the gospel thundered.