A Trustworthy Prophetic Word to the British Church (1963-2023)

This week on Into the Pray, I read out an excerpt of an address of Martin Lloyd-Jones to his own church during an annual away day as a church family in 1963.

Encouragingly for us, the crux of what Lloyd-Jones was saying 61 years ago in 1963 is the same embryonic train of thought as the things I have written in The Glorious Few in 2023, (60 years hence).

Please listen with an open mind and a willing heart.

“If I am right in my diagnosis, the position is moving very rapidly and unless we do something, it may be too late; or we may be so overwhelmed in disaster that it will only be out of a terrible wreckage that we may gradually crawl out into a new position. I say the alternative is to recognize that it is time for us to act, to clarify our own minds.” — MLJ (1963)

Our Podcast | From A Beach Cafe

The “Into the Pray” podcast lands this week in a new “on the run” vlog-form. Please let us know in the comments section if you like it!

Episode #1 is from a very blustery Scottish beach in bright sunshine, taking shelter in a warm cafe with excellent coffee, (we resisted the delicious cakes on offer).

Our conversation this week is to get us all to think about the spiritual climate that we’re all living within — ie that the multiplicity of different Christian doctrines and denominations that are tolerated (and even celebrated) equate to nothing other than deep spiritual sickness and spawning false gospels.

That Which Is Currently Hamstringing The Body of Christ

The content discusses the impact of egalitarianism on the Church, highlighting the need for doctrinal clarity and repentance from denominationalism. It emphasizes the importance of choosing to serve Christ and suggests a shift towards ancient ecclesiology. The author expresses urgency and hope for the future of the Church.

Free A. W. Tozer Audio-Book (Advent Devotional)

Consider starting or finishing your days running up to the deep mystery of Christmas listening to A. W. Tozer’s exquisite classic examining the attributes of God. All 11 episodes available for free via the Into the Pray podcast!

The Disruption of Sound Doctrine

Hello! Welcome and thank you to you all for listening to Into the Pray.  This week’s penultimate mid-week session of 2021 with Dave Brennan focuses on the book of 2 Timothy and the disruption of sound doctrine.  Please also consider sharing this podcast to your networks for us.  We’ll let this podcast speak for itself. TheContinue reading “The Disruption of Sound Doctrine”

An Open Letter to the Church: Is Your Church Faithful?

The Instruction of 2 Timothy in Assessing The Faithfulness of Our Churches. The podcast with the backstory for this letter is here and a follow-up YouTube here: If I go wrong it hurts me but if I get your Word wrong it hurts everybody. John Piper Dear Church, I am persuaded that God is preparingContinue reading “An Open Letter to the Church: Is Your Church Faithful?”

How Do I Know That I Am Right?

Part of my answer is that, on Saturday January 4th 2020, during the filming of, The Draft – A Conscription of Conscience, God had given me a prophetic burden to call every church in the UK to close their doors, to repent and to pray. On Friday March 20th, 2020, the exact weekend that Boris Johnson “enlisted” the nation into historic lockdown (and every single church therein), the film was released. As bewildering as it was/still is for me, how can anyone conclude that this was anything other than vindicating, prophetic accuracy? The Lord was gracious enough to give me a prophetic word (cf. Jeremiah 28: 8), I spoke and the unthinkable call to action then happened.