John Piper Preaches Against “FAKE” churches & “SHAM” christians

Greetings All, Defection and persecution? Speaking from Jesus’ words in John 15, John Piper brings a reassuring teaching regarding the current “sham” that is Christian discipleship across the smorgasbord of denominationalism, including the “United Reformed Church” in Edinburgh whose liberal theology and extra-biblical teaching is abhorrent and worthy of daily rebuke: My forthcoming secondContinue reading “John Piper Preaches Against “FAKE” churches & “SHAM” christians”

An Open Letter to the Church: Is Your Church Faithful?

The Instruction of 2 Timothy in Assessing The Faithfulness of Our Churches. The podcast with the backstory for this letter is here and a follow-up YouTube here: If I go wrong it hurts me but if I get your Word wrong it hurts everybody. John Piper Dear Church, I am persuaded that God is preparingContinue reading “An Open Letter to the Church: Is Your Church Faithful?”

How Do I Know That I Am Right?

Part of my answer is that, on Saturday January 4th 2020, during the filming of, The Draft – A Conscription of Conscience, God had given me a prophetic burden to call every church in the UK to close their doors, to repent and to pray. On Friday March 20th, 2020, the exact weekend that Boris Johnson “enlisted” the nation into historic lockdown (and every single church therein), the film was released. As bewildering as it was/still is for me, how can anyone conclude that this was anything other than vindicating, prophetic accuracy? The Lord was gracious enough to give me a prophetic word (cf. Jeremiah 28: 8), I spoke and the unthinkable call to action then happened.

Bishop Michael Curry: Miracle Donkey or Whore Mule?

The dislocated union of promiscuous wife and distraught husband is the most powerful picture in the entire Bible. No other poetic device or theme comes as close to conveying the smitten and lovingly-steadfast heart of God. In short, the juxtaposition of adultery and fidelity – God-amnesia and Jesus-fascination – is the premier theme of all HolyContinue reading “Bishop Michael Curry: Miracle Donkey or Whore Mule?”