No Compromise

I’m currently reading Tom Wright’s brilliant biography on the Apostle Paul. I’m also currently reading “No Compromise” by Melody Green – the life story of her late husband Keith Green. Books separated by 45 years of church history and current affairs, they are dissimilar in many ways but, at their beating heart, are actually moreContinue reading “No Compromise”

How We Have Fallen

What would dear Horatius have written had he lived in 2017? We’ll chat one day. ______________________________________ “Man is now thinking out a Bible for himself; framing a religion in harmony with the development of liberal thought; constructing a worship on the principles of taste and culture; shaping a god to suit the expanding aspirations ofContinue reading “How We Have Fallen”


I was astonished that although I now loved you…I did not persist in enjoyment of my God. Your beauty drew me to you, but soon I was dragged away from you by my own weight and in dismay I plunged again into the things of this world…as though I had sensed the fragrance of theContinue reading “Augustine “

Recapture the Wonder

I’m reading this jolly good book in my lunch-times at the moment – Recapture the Wonder by Ravi Zacharias. At the beginning, Ravi focuses on an ancient theory from Plato who believed that all philosophy began with wonder until it was replaced by knowledge – that there is a world of difference between belief andContinue reading “Recapture the Wonder”