Into The Pray – The Church

The Revealing Spotlight of Some Might Say I have been genuinely amazed by some of the responses to our article last week. Some have said that Mairi and I are ‘unbiblical’. Some have said that we are selfish. Some have said that we’re damaging others and one person has even suggested we’re not saved. SomeContinue reading “Into The Pray – The Church”


A chicken and gherkin sandwich, a mozzarella and tomato salad, some crackers, one of those sealed tubs of airline water that you only ever see on a flight, and a surprisingly tasty chocolate mouse: We’re en route back to Edinburgh from a week’s mission trip in Albania and I’m very thankful for the packed lunchContinue reading “Albania”

Cold Feet? Reconsidering the Call

God delights in us enough to have orchestrated the great condescension of Jesus from the glory and majesty of the throne of God to the frailty of human frame and the freezing temperatures and animal muck of a farmyard.

Imagine being a Daddy and having a beautiful newborn baby boy. Imagine laying him on a cross of torture and suffering.

Imagine placing him down naked on a cold, wet winter pavement, turning and walking away from him.