Ready: Living Prepared For The Coming Storm

Living urgently, alertly and appropriately replete in the 21st Century has been the focus of this blog series so far. Thomas, Andy and Joshua have kindly helped us to honestly consider our Christian lifestyles, provoked by Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and to what extent we’re living with urgency or lethargy, with alertness or sleepinessContinue reading “Ready: Living Prepared For The Coming Storm”

Ready: Living Alert in a Sleepy World

Are we asleep to this gospel? Am I really living as if this is true – that Jesus is coming back – maybe later today – to punish rebels and reward his waiting bride? Have we replaced the bracing realities of the gospel with “evenings without number obliterated by television, evenings neither of entertainment nor of education, but of narcotised defence against time” (Neuhaus, Freedom for Ministry, p. 227)?

The Necessary Itch of Faith

I appreciate the courage to rethink and examine the Christian faith as a response to the difficult (even distressing) loose ends that there can be for all of us in this life – like a kind of jazz music that ‘just doesn’t seem to resolve’ or sit pleasantly with us (any more). But, without wantingContinue reading “The Necessary Itch of Faith”

18 Inches Under Your Nose

The Moon and the Stars Can you remember the last time you were lying on your back outisde at night, looking up at the stars thinking about how very small you were and how vast and intimidating space was? Looking up to the moon in the sky or the sun in the clouds or theContinue reading “18 Inches Under Your Nose”