The Knowledge of The Holy (Audio-book)

Greetings Everyone Thank you for taking the time to listen to Into the Pray.  In approaching advent this year, I wanted to provide a daily devotional series by way of an audio version of A. W. Tozer’s classic, The Knowledge of The Holy. I’ll read two chapters a day running up to the completion on Friday,Continue reading “The Knowledge of The Holy (Audio-book)”

Love is not Love

We’re currently 27 episodes into our study through the book of 1 Corinthians and have just finished chapter 9. (Search for the Into the Pray podcast and the City of Temples series). Thus far, the two lingering thoughts from the heart and mind of Paul that have stayed with me the most are chapter 2Continue reading “Love is not Love”

Call Him Abba

I bumped in to a neighbour today out on the street on the way home from work. He’s an Iraqi Muslim who’s lived in Scotland for probably longer than I’ve been alive, has a wife and children and grand-children. He’s such a great guy…so gentle and willing to genuinely discuss and talk about loving God.Continue reading “Call Him Abba”

Ready: Steady, Go

The Urgent Call to “Go” “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for soContinue reading “Ready: Steady, Go”

Ready: Living Urgently in a Messed-Up World

Kissing a Lifestyle of Convenience Goodbye I’ll be up front – I am writing this at the worst possible time for my family and me. Rachel and I are in the throes of moving from Thailand to Vietnam. Not only are there the logistical challenges of visas, accommodation, flights, ‘yard sales’ (to borrow a termContinue reading “Ready: Living Urgently in a Messed-Up World”

The Hardest Lesson I’ve Ever Had To Learn

Broken-down World The sting of injustice is never pleasant. Like an incurable disease plaguing the entire world, all of us can see injustice functioning on a global scale every single day. We witness Robert Mugabe, corrupt Bankers, terrorism, famine, Rogue Traders, lazy Landlords, disallowed goals that have crossed the line, recruitment processes that look legalContinue reading “The Hardest Lesson I’ve Ever Had To Learn”


A friend recently gave me a copy of Andrew Wilson’s fine book Incomparable, by all accounts a modern day equivalent of J I Packer’s Knowing God. Wilson’s book is a concise, snappy, whimsical, high-calibre study of the character of God and even in the opening chapters there are some nuggets that landed in my heartContinue reading “Incomparable”