Our Daily Death & Witness

From the effortless arm’s length comfort of home, everything that could possibly be desired is often perfectly arranged to keep body and mind blissfully oblivious, together, pampered and prepared for a lifetime’s trudge towards an eternity without the Lamb of God.

No Compromise

I’m currently reading Tom Wright’s brilliant biography on the Apostle Paul. I’m also currently reading “No Compromise” by Melody Green – the life story of her late husband Keith Green. Books separated by 45 years of church history and current affairs, they are dissimilar in many ways but, at their beating heart, are actually moreContinue reading “No Compromise”

Not The Real Jesus 

I went to Glasgow this week for a meeting and, coming out of the train station en route, walked past two young girls stood at a Jehovah’s Witness stand doing their thing. (passively standing to attention hoping that someone might stop so that they can ‘witness’ and earn some credits or even an eternal get-out-of-jail-card).