Jesus Come (lyric video)


Thank you, as ever, for listening to Into the Pray!

We’re re-purposing our 2016 worship song, Jesus Come, because we didn’t ever make a music video for it and because you might not have heard it!

The spoken word video for this song is here and the brand-new music/lyric video is here.

We hope it’s a blessing!

The essence of this song has increasingly become the essence of everything that we do including, at the right time and Lord willing, helping a local community to emerge where we’re living. 

If you would like to support our work, you can do so here and/or here

Please also consider sharing this podcast to your networks for us. 

Our flagship content: 🚢 🔥 

2021: Calling YESHUA
2020: The Draft – A Conscription of Conscience
2019: Body Zero – Radical Preparation for the Return of Christ
2018: The Bothy Sessions – Mental Health & the Church
2016: Jesus Come

Come, Lord Jesus!


Nick & Mairi xx

Jesus Come (song of worship)

Published by firebrandnotes

"Radically preparing for the Return of Christ." If you long for the return of Christ and are distressed by the chaos of the Church, please read my books, Body Zero (2019) and The Glorious Few (2023).

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