A Normal Oblivion

Bed-side Imagine being woken up tomorrow morning by voices in your head, or voices that you thought were in your head. Imagine groggily coming round, sick in your stomach, disoriented by fear because of the sonic traffic that the voices in your head were creating: unfamiliar tones, unrecognisable expressions – a mystifying medley of unearthlyContinue reading “A Normal Oblivion”

The Father Never Lies

The world reminds you every day that “The camera never lies” But The Father reminds you every day that “The Father never lies” I’m reminded that there is a father of lies but assured that the Father doesn’t ever lie. I saw a man today crippled by the fear of what the camera said, byContinue reading “The Father Never Lies”

Creative Kingdom

This week we wanted to share with you a fantastic new website known as Creative Kingdom, conceived and run by Rob and Cathy Browne. Their passion is to be an encouraging hub of creative genius, encompassing art, music, photography and writing. One of their USPs as a website is the width and scope of varietyContinue reading “Creative Kingdom”